It is amazing how many people who have backyards, think that they must stop using them or DO stop using them as soon as it gets a little chilly out! You can still use your backyard; you just need to make a few changes to get ready for the cooler weather. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing…

Add Some Cozy Blankets and Pillows
Since it will be getting a tad cooler for fall and cooler in the winter, it is a great idea to find some cozy blankets and pillows that you can bring outdoors. If your area has rain or snow, you will want to bring these back inside or get a blanket basket for those items. But while you are outside enjoying your backyard, you might as well cuddle up and stay warm.

You can also start thinking about colours as well. Brighter more vibrant colors work perfectly with the summer, but for fall and winter, you will want to think about more neutral colors likes creamy whites, tans, browns – anything that has an outdoorsy look to it. Likewise, you can also add in colours if you plan to hang out in your backyard around the holidays for example, during Christmas and Halloween, etc.

Outdoor Heat

While blankets are great, adding an outdoor heater is another warm way to stay outside for longer and the heat is something that everyone can enjoy. Unlike a traditional firepit that can let off smoke, a heater only lets off heat – it is eco-friendly, and you don’t have to worry about the wind adjusting and blowing all that smoke into your face. These come in all sorts of styles, types, and sizes, so just find the one that works best for your space.

A Freestanding Structure

In this case, a Pergola is less about what it can do in terms of function and more about what it can do for your design. It can be a place to sit underneath, but it can also be a place to add ambiance in terms of adding hanging lights to it to include more lighting. If it’s during Christmas or Halloween holidays you can even add some coloured lighting that reference those holidays i.e., red and green versus black and orange.

Add Accessories

Similar with the lights, you can also add accessories that create a fall design, as well as Christmas and Halloween holidays i.e., fake (or real) pumpkins, nutcracker candle holders, greenery and lights, etc. You can make this as modern or traditional as you want – it is your backyard!

Change Your Flowers Up!

If you have summer flowers or summer plants like daisies, tulips, or lemon trees in pots lined around your yard, you can easily change them up for your fall or winter transition by adding fall or winter plants and flowers. Some ideas that will stand up to cold weather: goldenrod, fuchsia, sunflowers, and verbena as well as hosta, Siberian cypress, sedum, and baptisia.